Friday, September 9, 2011

ob - book diary 1

.... previous entries not listed.

OB is the name I have chosen for this diary/journal which will be used to collect my thoughts on my Book (thing/fetish/whatever)
I am sure I will do some editing as I go along. I have been actively involved with "the book trade" as a scout/seller for a decade now. My primary function is as a Stay-at-Home Dad for our two kids. Girl - 3, Boy - 18 months. I go to many places in search of books, of course, and for as little as possible while maintaining a level of quality. I have handled enough underlined or tanned paperbacks to build a bridge out of.

This entry is about a number of books that I have recently found at the local library where I volunteer. Of course my motives are not purely civic: they get great donated books in there all the time! In fact, very recently a number of books published by Heritage Press have appeared with nameplates. The one at the top of the entry. My wife, who works for an office in the Federal Government I am not at liberty to mention, and I have speculated that the reason these lovely books have appeared now is that the owner had died. I have been able to confirm the owner's passing. It's a shame that the books have past from the family but perhaps the children didn't value the books. Perhaps they couldn't settle on how to divide them up. I don't know.

I feel badly for the collection. Left at the bottom of the donation bin in the back of the library. I bought a few books to upgrade the titles I had. Swapping collectibles for paperbacks is a no brainer if it's books that I am planning to keep. I have some others, and I will go back and get the rest and put them up as a lot. It makes sense to try and keep them together. Even if only to be sold to some anonymous buyer out in the world. They stand a better chance of staying together. I like to help orphans. It's one of my missions. Saving all books I can. (or that my wife will allow - glad she doesn't know about the storage units)

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